Listener registration is open until 21 April 2023
Before 10.02.2023 |
After 10.02.2023 |
Participants of the Conference* |
110 EUR |
190 EUR |
Accompanying Persons** |
80 EUR |
150 EUR |
Listener Fee*** |
50 EUR |
70 EUR |
Publication without participation |
90 EUR |
130 EUR |
Publication of additional paper | 70 EUR | 90 EUR |
If you need an invoice, please send all necessary information to be included in invoice to project coordinators Silvija Bruņa – or Emīls Pūlmanis –
Participation fee: has to be transferred until/after 10.02.2023 to the following account:
Account of Professional Association of Project Managers:
Projektu vadītāju profesionālā apvienība
Adress: Brivibas gatve 338-11, Riga, LV-1006
Reg. No. 50008168131
AS Citadele banka, LV35PARX0013024990001
Bank adress: Republikas laukums 2A, Rīga, LV-1010, Latvija
Please indicate on the payment document the following information: PM CONFERENCE 2023 and NAME, FAMILY NAME of participant.
*Fee for Participation includes:
**Fee for accompanying persons includes:
***Fee for listener includes:
Cancellations are accepted until March 31, 2023 – 70% of the participation fee will be reimbursed.
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