Project Management in the Baltic States


11th International Scientific Conference on Project Management in the Baltic States  

Project Management Development – Practice and Perspectives

ISSN 2256-0513

e-ISSN 0250-1023

!!! 28-29 September, 2023 !!!

Riga, Latvia

The conference is organized by the Professional Association of Project Managers in cooperation with the University of Latvia.

The aim of the conference is to discuss the results of scientific research in project management issues, to establish new contacts and networking between professionals involved in project management as well as enhance the capacity of project managers. The conference programme includes an opening plenary session, parallel sessions. All abstracts are reviewed by two reviewers and papers included in the conference proceedings are double-blind reviewed. The conference language is English.

The working language of the conference is English. No simultaneous interpretation into other languages will be available.

Disclaimer: The organizers reserve the right to maintain a contingency plan for an abridged online conference in the event of a renewed state of emergency. In the event of an online event, all other conference program elements will be canceled. Journal "Project Management Development – Practice and Perspectives", ISSN 2256- 0513 will be published as planned based on submitted and accepted papers. 

Benefits and reasons for joining the conference:

  1. Meet the professionals, scientists, and Ph.D. students in Project Management and listen to their experiences from different countries all over the world.
  2. As PMP, PMI-ACP or other PMI certified professionals you could earn 7 or 14 PDU's to claim for maintaining your certification 
  3. Publish your research paper in a conference proceeding book with an ISBN number and direct indexing with EBSCO. The license agreement with EBSCO inc. has been signed on 07.11.2014.
  4. Selected papers will be considered to publish in Project Management World Journal (PMWJ). The PMWJ (ISSN 2330-4480), a non-refereed electronic publication registered with the US Library of Congress, is indexed by EBSCO, the world’s largest intermediary between publishers and libraries. Contents of the PMWJ will be included in EBSCO’s Business Source Complete databases.        
  5. Enlarge your network with new professional peers.
  6. Widen your knowledge from European top Project Management speakers.
  7. Stand up from the crowd and make your voice heard in interactive discussions.
  8. Increase your sociability by gaining new friends who share the same ideas as yours.
  9. Get the latest information about growing your professional career 
  10. Help the Project Management community to grow and to have a stronger voice.


    medium_PVPA.jpgProfessional Association of Project Managers


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