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Programmas komiteja

Prof. (emeritus), Dr.oec. Žaneta Ilmete, University of Latvia, President of Professional Association of Project Managers, Latvia, Chair

Dr. sc. admin. Gundars Bērziņš, Dean of Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia (tbc)

Prof.Dr. Edgar Bellow, NEOMA Business School - Reims France, France (tbc)

Prof.Dr. Rūta Čiutienė, Kaunas University of technology, Centre for Project management, Lithuania (tbc)

Prof. Dr. Ali Jaafari, ME, MSc, PhD, CPEng, FIEAust, Asia Pacific International College, Australia (tbc)

Prof. Dr.Tatiana Yurieva, Head of Department of Project and Program Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), member of National Professional Association of Project Management, Russia (tbc)

Prof. Dr. Jerzy Kisielnicki, Warsaw University, Poland (tbc)

Prof. Dr. Michael J. Littman, Buffalo State University of New York, USA (tbc)

Prof. Dr. Arvi Kuura, University of Tartu, Estonia (tbc)

Prof. Dr.  José Ramon Otegi Olaso, Head of EuroMPM at the University of the Basque Country in Bilbao, Spain (tbc)

Prof. Dr. Petlenko Yulia, Economics Faculty of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Ukraine (tbc)

Prof. Dr. Pascal Reusch, University of Applied Sciences in Bielefeld, Germany (tbc)

Dr. Abdussalam Shibani, Coventry University, United Kingdom (tbc)

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Tysiak, Dortmund University of Applied Science and Arts, Germany (tbc)

Prof. Dr. Carsten Wolff, Vice Rector of Dortmund University of Applied Science and Arts, Germany (tbc)

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