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Conference fees

Listener registration is open until 21 April 2023


Before 10.02.2023

After 10.02.2023

Participants of the Conference*

110 EUR

190 EUR

Accompanying Persons**

80 EUR

150 EUR

Listener Fee***

50 EUR

70 EUR

Publication without participation

90 EUR

130 EUR

Publication of additional paper  70 EUR 90 EUR

If you need an invoice, please send all necessary information to be included in invoice to project coordinators Silvija Bruņa – silvija.bruna@lu.lv or Emīls Pūlmanis – emils@balticpm.eu.

Participation fee: has to be transferred until/after 10.02.2023 to the following account:

Account of Professional Association of Project Managers:

Projektu vadītāju profesionālā apvienība

Adress: Brivibas gatve 338-11, Riga, LV-1006
Reg. No. 50008168131

AS Citadele banka, LV35PARX0013024990001

Bank adress: Republikas laukums 2A, Rīga, LV-1010, Latvija

Please indicate on the payment document the following information: PM CONFERENCE 2023 and NAME, FAMILY NAME of participant.

*Fee for Participation includes:

  • Admission to all sessions
  • Conference materials
  • Welcome Cocktail
  • Dinner and lunch
  • Coffee, soft drinks and snacks

**Fee for accompanying persons includes:

  • Admission to all sessions
  • Welcome Cocktail
  • Dinner and lunch
  • Coffee, soft drinks and snacks

***Fee for listener includes:

  • Admission to all sessions
  • Conference materials
  • Listener registration is open until 21 April 2023

Cancellations are accepted until March 31, 2023  – 70% of the participation fee will be reimbursed.

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