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Abstract requirements

The Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement 

  1. Page Layout Guideline for A4 (21 cm x 29,7 cm) paper size. Page Layout should be as follows: Top – 3 cm, Bottom – 3 cm, Left – 3 cm, Right – 3 cm.
  2. Maximum length for the abstract is approx. 250-300 words.
  3. Abstract should be Times New Roman typeface, single-spaced.
  4. Abstract should include:
    1. title;
    2. author /s name/s and information (organization, city, country, present address, phones, and e-mail address/ addresses;
    3. keywords (max six);
    4. JEL code (http://www.aeaweb.org/jel/guide/jel.php)
    5. text;
    6. references, if there is reference to the source/sources in the text
  5. The title of the abstract – 14 point, UPPERCASE, style Bold and centered..
  6. Author’s names – centered., type size 12 point, Upper and lower case, style Bold Italic.
  7. Information about the author – 10 point, Upper and lower case, style Italic, centered..
  8. Keywords – 10 point size, style Normal, alignment Justify.
  9. Abstract text – 11 point, single-spaced, alignment Justify.
  10. The set of formulas on application of fonts, signs and a way of design should be uniform throughout the text. The set of formulas is carried out with use of editors of formulas MS Equation 3.0 or Math Type. The formula with a number – the formula itself should be located on the left edge of the text, but a number – on the right.
  11. References in the text should be indicated by a number in square brackets, e.g. [1].

References should be numbered in the order cited in the manuscript. The correct format for references is the following:

Article: author, title, journal (in italics), volume and issue number, year, inclusive pages

Example: 1. Matthew N. Murray. Competition over the Tax Base in Sales Tax, Public Finance Review, Vol. 34, No 3, 2006, pp. 258- 281.

Book: author, title (in Italics), location of publishers, publishers, year, whole pages

Example: 2. John E. Hanke, Arthur G. Reitsch, Dean W. Wichem, Business Forecasting, 7th edit.,: Prentice Hall, Inc., 2005. 498 p.

Conference Proceedings: author; title of an article; proceedings (in italics); title of a conference, date and place of a conference; publishing house, year, concrete pages

Example: 3. Juris Krumins. A Role of Statistics and Demography in the research projects of Social Sciences in Latvia. In: Research in Statistics – Basis of Social Sciences and Education: Conference Proceedings, Riga, Latvia, October 3–7, 2003, University of Latvia. Riga: University of Latvia, 2004, p. 120-124.


Abstracts should be sent to: Silvija Bruņa silvija.bruna@lu.lv and Emīls Pūlmanis emils@balticpm.eu

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